Answers on Startups (a Stack Exchange site)

May 17, 2011 in 4 out of 5 stars, A community, A website, Business Intel, Business Planning, Expert Advice

What is it? A question and answer site focused on Startups and Entrepreneurship.

Who makes it?

Stack Exchange (with a dash of clout from Dharmesh Shah)

Why is it the killerest?

Stack Exchange (the company behind this) have built a highly effective Question-and-Answer gamification format offering. They started with the absurdly successful Stack Overflow which is focused on answering software development questions, and applied the model to various other topics, including startups.

All of us have questions as we venture into these challenging startup waters, and Answers OnStartups is a productive place ask them. Because of the reward system built into the site, you will typically get high quality, and varied answers from experienced folks who know what they're talking about.

It also skews heavily toward online and software startups, which is where my own passion lies (as it does for many of you).

What could be improved?

I've been watching and participating for a few weeks now and I've had a great time, but two things could be improved:

1) The number of participants. What it has now is great, but I would love it to reach the level of some of the higher volume Stack Exchange sites. I know a bunch of you reading this have valuable insights to share, so get over there.

2) Some repetition in questions. Equity splitting, marketing, and funding questions occupy a large percent of the questions. That said, there are still interesting and helpful questions posted frequently.

How much does it cost?



Reviewed by Carson McComas

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Biznik: A networking group that doesn't suck.

March 2, 2006 in 3 out of 5 stars, A community, Free

What is it?

Biznik: A networking group that doesn't suck.: A business networking group founded in Seattle and slowly going worldwide. Biznik is for folks who think "Power Partners" and "lunch bunches" are lame and want to network without feeling like they are in kindergarten.


Who makes it?

Dan McComb

Why is it the killerest?

1. It's non-exclusive, non-hierarchical and event based (not chapter based)

2. Emphasizes collaboration, not competition

3. It's a community with many ways to participate

4. Biznik is pro-technology AND pro face-to-face. The website rocks

5. It's got members in 12 US states and 6 countries, and is growing rapidly

6. It's free, and basic membership will always be free.

How much does it cost?



Reviewed by Chris Haddad

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BNI - Business Networking International

February 1, 2006 in 5 out of 5 stars, A community

What is it?

BNI - Business Networking International: A group that meets once a week in your area  to do business. Where you are the only one from your profession/industry.

  • The meeting is a structured agenda of 90 minutes
  • Each member has the privilege of presenting a 60 second commercial about what they do.
  • You receive a 5-10 minute networking educational lesson.
  • The members then pass qualified referrals (not leads) and testimonials about working with chapter members.

Who makes it?

Dr. Ivan Misner

Why is it the killerest?

The "Givers Gain" philosophy.

Everyone knows that word of mouth networking is the best way to get business... but how many really know the technical "how-to". Imagine being able to measure your word of mouth marketing campaign... BNI shows you how. I have been working for 6 months forming a chapter in Miami. We finally kicked off and can only recommend everyone be part of a chapter.

Think about getting a referral for business where you can bid higher and still get the project. I have already received and given numerous business referrals and the determining factor is your social capital with the referrer. If they trust the person that is referring you business, anyone else is second to you.

Our chapter has passed more than 37 referrals since we started and established chapters pass more than 40 referrals in one meeting. The Miami Beach chapter I believe grossed more than $700K in business last year. And this is with about 45 members in that chapter.

All business done through BNI is accountable so only the best can be part of BNI. The network is so grounded in accountability that someone from an out of state BNI chapter doing business in your city would most likely do business with another BNI member rather than look elsewhere. You can trust that a BNI member will get the job done.

Look for a chapter in your area you will be impressed.

What could be improved?

Some chapters meet for breakfast... no one likes to wake up early in the morning. But if you are serious about your business then this is the best time to give and get business.

How much does it cost?

Approx. $379 for the first year.


Reviewed by Gianni D'Alerta

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