Bug Juice

August 7, 2006 in 2 out of 5 stars, Hosted software, Issue trackers, Software Development

What is it?

BugJuice: A bug tracking application for web developers.


Who makes it?


Why is it the killerest?

This hosted software is simple and uncluttered. It's a glorified to-do list nicely tweaked for issue tracking. You can add "pages" (kinda like a wiki) for whatever purpose you like (e.g. one for each project), which is nice and flexible. You can add comments and screenshots to bugs.

An interesting option for small teams, or single person development. 

What could be improved?

It's missing most of the features of a mature issue tracker (although that's kind of their point). No support for Safari browser. Admin should be able to assign users to bugs (but can't, for now).

How much does it cost?

Free, $5, $10, $20/mo.


Reviewed by Carson McComas

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