
May 26, 2006 in 4 out of 5 stars, Hosted software

What is it?

PBwiki: It is a wiki farm which allows anyone to create a wiki website for free.  Wiki technology lets you create web pages within your browser, with simple text formatting and easy linking to your web pages.  The technology was invented by Ward Cunningham, a software engineer / guru.


Who makes it?

Coceve, Inc.

Why is it the killerest?

PBwiki is fast.  You can create a new, free wiki in seconds.  All you need is an email address, so they can send you a password.  PBwiki servers are very responsive; your pages update immediately.  PBwiki gives you the features you need and then stays out of your way.  You can make your wiki private, if you want.  If you know HTML, you can use that too.

What could be improved?

PBwiki needs to provide backlinks.  This is a wiki feature that tells you what web pages link to the current page.  The tutorial could also be beefed up.

How much does it cost?

Basic is free; Premium features are $5/month


Reviewed by Dave Raftery

Editor's note: PBWiki is the wiki tool I'm personally most excited about. Wiki products I've seen so far are unimpressively difficult to use and understand for most people. PBWiki is actually making brilliant strides in this area through their obvious and simple interface and intelligent help and support.

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Check out Wetpaint as well. Great UI and easy to use. They're in Beta, but will be releasing a platform for publishing your own wiki sometime soon.


Posted by: Jeff Sanders | May 26, 2006 2:44:39 PM

I can't get over the logo, it's fantastic. Guess this isn't really all that relevant... Sorry.

Posted by: stdmedia | May 31, 2006 11:38:00 PM