Venture Voice's podcast interview with John Bogle

April 26, 2006 in 5 out of 5 stars, A podcast, An interview

What is it?

Venture Voice's podcast interview with John Bogle: A podcast interview with John Bogle of The Vanguard Group. John Bogle founded The Vanguard Group and built it upon principles of honesty, simplicity and the "relentless rules of humble arithmetic." Bogle is a man determined to fight and reform the corrupt self-serving mutual fund industry by infusing it with clear, straightforward thinking and approaches. He founded the first index fund ever. Nobel Laureate economist Paul Samuelson called this "equal to the invention of the alphabet and the wheel."


Who makes it?

Gregory Galant of Venture Voice conducted the interview.

Why is it the killerest?

I've had this podcast sitting in iTunes for some time and hadn't bothered to listen. I thought this would just be some stuffed shirt prattling on about "inside baseball" investment stuff that put me to sleep.

Instead, he blew my mind.

John Bogle is the real deal. His own entrepreneurial story is interesting and inspiring to be sure (started with nothing, failed several times, etc). But it's his philosophies, his motivations, his maverick ideals and idealism that absolutely rocked my world.

What could be improved?

He's obviously spent a great deal of time speaking publicly because he has a very smooth and polished delivery. The upside is that he brilliantly articulates his ideas and is riveting.

How much does it cost?



Reviewed by Carson McComas

Another John Bogle podcast interview:

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Venture Voice is great, however I found a lot of the other interviews a lot more insightful and entertaining. I especially liked the one with the one of the founders of Brooklyn Brewery.

Posted by: Chubby Cherub | Apr 27, 2006 11:58:24 AM

Great find. Bogle sounds like a great guy and I love his honorable pursuit of business.

Posted by: farlane | Apr 30, 2006 4:43:09 AM

One of the better interviews with John Bogle, in my opinion... great advice and some fun common sense... if common sense could ever be called 'fun'. Thanks for sharing this!

Posted by: MB | Mar 31, 2009 11:59:14 AM