The business magazines I won't be reviewing here
July 14, 2005 in A magazineThis is a dangerous move on a blog this young. I'm going to ask for some reader feedback to help me out.
I originally wanted to review a good business magazine or two. But as I
reflected on what rating the ones I read should receive, they all came
in at about 1 star.
So my question for you: are there any good magazines out there?
My favorites, over the years, have been Fast Company, and Business 2.0. Both of these, at various times, have been superb. Business 2.0 was my first love. During the dotcom mania, this magazine spoke to me in a way no other did. When I started reading Fast Company I actually let my B2.0 subscription lapse. Fast Company was so good, so inspiring, so useful, helpful and relevant that I read every single word, every single month.
I just don't have that feeling about any business magazine any more. I
still subscribe to both B2.0 and FC and read them monthly, and occasionally find jewels, but they aren't the must-read
material they used to be. Both magazines have managed to lose their
way, meander and bore, neglect the principles that made them great, and
ultimately slip into mediocrity.
I've also had subscriptions to Fortune, Inc., Entrepreneur and a few others so unremarkable I can't remember them now.
The only magazine I truly get excited to read each month is Wired. For many of the same reasons that I used to like B2.0 and FC. But it's
still more pop than business and aside from being fun, isn't super
relevant to my entrepreneurial aspirations.
So, are there any good magazines out there? Do you have a different opinion of B2.0 or FC? Can you relate with my experience? Can you help me broaden my magazine world?
I'd love to fall in love with a business magazine again.
How about INC Magazine?
Posted by: Phil Oye | Jul 26, 2005 10:19:36 AM
Yeah I've subscribed to Inc too, and Forbes also, which I didn't mention here. Inc. is passable for sure, but suffering the same fate as it's brother Fast Company. It's never gotten me real excited. Haven't read it for a year or so, am I missing anything?
Posted by: Carson McComas | Jul 26, 2005 10:26:30 AM
Yeah, I loved B2.0 too, until they laid off 90% of the staff and replaced them with the staff of the folded eCompany Now. The suckage was immediately apparent (even though they continued to try, and there were still good freelance articles). I didn't renew my subscription.
Posted by: Dan Hartung | Jul 26, 2005 8:30:02 PM
MIT's Technology Review is a gem. They cover many of the same things Wired does but it's less pop and more scientific, though their scope is much wider than IP-based companies and technology.
Posted by: Rags Gupta | Jul 27, 2005 7:58:30 PM
BTW, I think Business 2.0 has got back on track and the recent issues have been good.
P.S.: Nice blog, came through Eve's blog.
Posted by: JD | Jul 27, 2005 9:52:32 PM
Yeah, you know JD, you might be right. I may need to chill my bias because I have to admit that the article a couple months back on KidRobot and the other related businesses was really superb indeed (just wish I could have linked to an online version, another part of the irritation I harbor for them stems from the stupid "pay to see articles online" model).
Posted by: Carson McComas | Jul 27, 2005 10:15:49 PM
When you were first reading B2.0 and FC you were just starting out. Every idea seemed new and fresh and brilliant. But running a business itself is a fairly static enterprise; there are only so many good ideas (listen to your customer, manage your risks, etc). The magazines can't repackage the same three/four principles of business over and over successfully forever.
(Plus they failed to warn about the bubble bursting. That's kinda like your first love cheating on you. It'll hurt for a while.)
Posted by: someone | Jul 28, 2005 10:43:24 AM
Try The Economist. Unlike the flings of your youth, this one's worth moving in with.
Posted by: brat | Jul 28, 2005 3:00:21 PM
Posted by: Michael Martine | Jul 28, 2005 6:54:55 PM
I second "brat" - The Economist is the best English language magazine going, for business or news. Its worldwide coverage is outstanding, it is very well written, and it has good business news. btw - those "business magazines" you mentioned all make me gag.
Posted by: chug | Aug 3, 2005 4:27:50 AM
Michael: I've followed and enjoyed Worthwhile's blog, maybe it's time to grab the magazine too.
Brat and Chug: 2 is enough, I'll have to grab a copy at the newstand and see if it suits me. Thanks for the thoughts.
Posted by: Carson McComas | Aug 3, 2005 8:17:55 AM