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Happy Links
July 30, 2007 in Happy LinksRandom Edition
- Jerry Seinfeld's productivity secret. No, seriously. I doubted too. It's not revolutionary, but it's a darn good idea. I've been thinking about this a lot since reading it last week.
- In Champagne Moments, Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) unfolds that familiar not-quite-satisfied progression toward success. "And so it went, in ant-sized steps forward. Every pat on the back came with a kick in the nuts."
- When To Dump That Great Idea. This one hurt to read -- but as I reflect back, ditching the stinkers for something better is essential. This article outlines the signs it is time to drop your current plans for world domination and replace them with something new.
- What it takes to be rich. Have you ever wanted to knock on the door of some huge beautiful house and ask them what they do for a living? This guy traveled to America's wealthiest zip codes and did just that.
Happy Quote
July 11, 2007 in Happy Quotes"We have no patent on anything we do and anything we do can be copied by anyone else. But you can't copy the heart and the soul and the conscience of the company."
-Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks
Checking in on Authentic Jobs
July 10, 2007 in WorkHappy.net AdvertiserAs mentioned before, WorkHappy.net has teamed with Authentic Jobs to provide a means for finding web designer or developer talent, or finding work yourself (see the upper right column on this site).
I gave it a try myself

The last few months have given me an opportunity to utilize AJ (Authentic Jobs) for my own purposes. I've advertised for a copywriter, a PHP developer, and a Flash animator.
The results:
- Copywriter post: 10 responses, half were excellent, 2 were off the charts. The woman we hired should be the CEO of our company, she's superhumanly amazing.
- Flash animator post: 38 responses, about 10 were stunning.
- PHP developer post: 31 responses, most were solid including about 6 that just blew me away. The guy we hired absolutely rocks.
Some stats
AJ offers freelance and full time jobs. For fun, here's a quick run down of what's cooking on the full-time side as of today, July 10, 2007:
- 68 total job posts
- 48 are full time jobs
- High visibility companies hiring:
And a big thanks to Cameron Moll and Authentic Jobs for supporting WorkHappy.net.
Internet Retailer Magazine
July 9, 2007 in 5 out of 5 stars, A magazine, FreeInternet Retailer Magazine: A free magazine (print, or online) focused on information relevant to internet retailers (and associated consultants, developers, etc.). Vertical Web Media LLC It's a magazine consistently providing indispensable wisdom, ideas, statistics, data, analysis, case studies, and success stories. I'm a recent subscriber and I can't believe I didn't know about it earlier. A couple examples: in this month's (July 07) issue, I learned that adding three or more payment options at checkout (e.g. Credit Cards, PayPal, Google Checkout) has raised sales by an average of 14% according to payments processor CyberSource Corp. I also learned that Amazon (at the top of the list) spent $662mil on technology in 2006 on revenue of almost $11 billion (!!). Overstock.com was 2nd with $65mil in expenditures on revenue of $788mil, and Netflix 3rd with $48mil on revenue of $997mil. I can't recommend the email newsletter. It's far too often and noisy. The spam/content ratio of the magazine is what you might expect for free, but the gems are easy to find. It's only free for those in the U.S. :( Reviewed by Carson McComasWhat is it?
Who makes it?
Why is it the killerest?
What could be improved?
Fortunately it's also almost all online.How much does it cost?